Project - Wireless Surveillance System
This project implements a networked video surveillance system in digital logic. It allows a user to view video input from a remote camera on a VGA monitor by capturing camera data, encoding it, transmitting it wirelessly, and subsequently receiving, decoding, and re-displaying the data. To test the system, the project is divided into three main components: video capture/display, data encoding/decoding, and wireless transmission/reception. Each part is put through a comprehensive series of tests using Model Sim and simulated data. Once each component passes design and functional tests, all three components are then connected to transmit video data wirelessly
Project Files
Presentation (PDF)
Report (PDF)
Report Appendix (PDF)
Source : MIT university
One very important element of having an alarm system in the house is those stickers and little signs on houses already equipped with one. More often than not, these signs have a psychological effect on potential home invaders that may help you even you ward them off even when you have forgotten to turn the system on.
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